Classes Begin
Tuesday, February 11 in the Education Bldg of FBC Tom Bean
Begins with Chapel @ 9 AM
First Class- 9:35-10:30 AM
Second Class - 10:35-11:30 AM
Spring Semester coming . . .
This is a Homeschool Co-op Ministry of FBC Tom Bean. While we love and support our local district, we also want to support parents who have taken up the difficult task of education in the home. The goal is to provide Enrichment courses that add to what you are already doing to train and disciple your kids.
Special note: This year is a "soft launch" so enrollment fees aren't mandatory, though are appreciated.
Stay Connected!!
We have a new text message system!! To Sign up for text updates text 'homeschool' to 833-374-5411
The Vision of Katartizo Academy
We believe that it is the God-given responsibility of parents to train their children, preparing them to launch out and stand for the glory of God. Our purpose in starting this homeschool cooperative is to help families EQUIP their children with the Bible.
Katartizo Academy seeks to be a place of instruction, an aid to the parents in helping them to obey Deuteronomy 6:7, a safe place for students to make like-minded friends, and to be a ministry to the parent-teacher. We understand that homeschooling can be challenging resulting in needing a respite for the parent-teacher. We want to be a blessing and a benefit to you and your family while you are training up your children.
Tuesdays starting Feb 11 9-11:30
9 am- Chapel 9am
9:35am-10:30am- 1st class
10:35-11:30 am- 2nd class
Important Dates
Feb 11- Opening Day
Feb 20- Field Trip #1 (TBD-optional)
April 3- Field Trip #2 (McKinney Roots . . Details to come)
April 8- Last Day of Semester
April 10- End of Semester Celebration
This first year we don't have registration fees. We do require a background check for all adults that will be attending. So there is a cost of $17/person for that. We will send a link for that upon receiving your registration form.
Stay Connected
Want to know what is going on? Sign up for our text message alerts!! You can also send questions or prayer requests at any time! Text 'homeschool' to 833-374-5411
Classes for the Spring
Taught By Sharon Statser
Kids will learn and discuss nature and seasons from a Biblical perspective. This will be for both the Elementary and Mid/High School students.
Materials needed: Notebook to use as nature journal
Storybook and Craft/Activity
Taught By Kari Bottoms
Each week we will read from a book and do a craft/or activity.
Fincancial literacy
Taught by Kari Bottoms
Middle School/High School
Financial Literacy taught from a Christian Perspective designed to introduce teens to the world of personal finance through instruction, online articles and videos, interactive exercises, and more! Students are encouraged to immediately apply some of the concepts they learn and are introduced to other financial topics which will become a part of their lives in just a few short years. Included in each lesson is a focus on God-honoring attitudes and practices.
Katartizo Academy Statement of Faith

Expectations of Parents
Our expectations for the parents of the students is to be present during our meeting times, to support the other families as opportunities arise, to encourage the students, to be good examples of the faith, and to be willing to help within your skill sets.
We further expect the parent-teachers to utilize our welcome room when you need a moment to catch your breath, sit peacefully for a moment, or when you just need a good cup of coffee. The space is there to bless you. We do still expect you to be present with your student as much as possible, but we also understand the need to rest, even if only for a moment.
Expectations of Students
Mankind was created in the image of God and as such are commanded to glorify God in all that we do. We are told in Colossians 3:23-24 to “work as unto the Lord” which means that we are to honor God not just in what we do, but how we do it. That includes how we approach learning. A child’s job can be simplified, scripturally, to honor your father and your mother (Exodus 20:12) and grow in learning and understanding (Proverbs 22:6).
To help you work as unto the Lord in your education, we have certain expectations of you and while it is your parent’s role to train you and help you, you also have the responsibility accomplish the task. You must apply yourself to honoring your parents, to being trained, to doing the work, to abiding by the code of conduct. It is our expectation that you would do exactly that; that you would apply yourself to learning, to being respectful, to being prepared, and to honoring your parents.